♪ Hallelujah (uplifting orchestral music) ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Why did he come (gentle orchestral music) ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ (lively orchestral music) ♪ Gloria (gentle orchestral music) - [Announcer] Join us from Northfield, Minnesota as we present the St. Olaf Christmas Festival, "Love Divine." (dramatic orchestral music) - Welcome and thank you for joining us for Christmas from St. Olaf. I am Anton Armstrong, Artistic Director of the St. Olaf Christmas Festival, and conductor of the St. Olaf choir. This festival is composed of more than 500 student musicians in five choral ensembles, and the St. Olaf Orchestra. The festival features a rich repertoire of classic Advent and Christmas compositions, familiar carols, hymns from around the world, and contemporary pieces from a diverse range of composers and cultures, offering music that both celebrates the history of the college and highlights beautiful works from across the globe. (chorus singing in Spanish) (upbeat orchestral music) - This year's theme of "Love Divine" came about as my colleagues on the Christmas Festival Artistic Committee wanted to bring a message that would restore love to our community and to the world. The St. Olaf Christmas Festival has been cherished by many, and we are excited to share it with you as well, so join us now for The St. Olaf Christmas Festival, "Love Divine." ♪ Glory in thy perfect love (dramatic orchestral music) (delicate orchestral music) ♪ In a deep, unbounded darkness ♪ ♪ Long before the first light shone ♪ ♪ You, O God, beyond all merit ♪ Worked a wonder faith makes known ♪ ♪ In your mercy, in your mercy ♪ You embraced us as your own ♪ Evermore and evermore (delicate orchestral music) ♪ Though our world is ever-changing ♪ ♪ You are constant, firm, and sure ♪ ♪ Faithful to your covenant promise ♪ ♪ Trusting you, we live, secure ♪ ♪ Singing praises, singing praises ♪ ♪ Long as heart and breath endure ♪ ♪ Evermore and evermore (delicate orchestral music) ♪ Joy transforms our lips to boasting ♪ ♪ Only in your matchless grace ♪ Sending Christ to dwell among us ♪ ♪ Word made flesh, in time and space ♪ ♪ Friend and savior, friend and savior ♪ ♪ In whose life we glimpse your face ♪ ♪ Evermore and evermore ♪ Evermore and evermore ♪ Evermore and evermore ♪ Evermore and evermore (gentle orchestral music) ♪ God is love ♪ The heavens are telling ♪ God is love ♪ Let Earth rejoice ♪ All creation singing, praising ♪ ♪ And exalting with one voice ♪ God who laid the Earth's foundation ♪ ♪ God who spread the heavens above ♪ ♪ God who breathes through all creation ♪ ♪ God is love ♪ eternal love (uplifting orchestral music) ♪ God is love ♪ With mercy boundless ♪ God sustains all human life ♪ God's eternal loving kindness ♪ ♪ Guides us through our earthly strife ♪ ♪ Sin and death and hell ♪ Shall never over us final triumph gain ♪ ♪ God is love ♪ So love forever ♪ Over the universe must reign (uplifting orchestral music) ♪ Amen (lively orchestral music) ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Unto God's Almighty Son ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Unto God's Almighty Son ♪ Praise the Lord, ye bright angelic choirs ♪ ♪ In holy songs of joy ♪ Praise the Lord in holy songs of joy ♪ ♪ In holy songs of joy, praise the Lord ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord in holy songs of joy ♪ ♪ In holy songs of joy, praise the Lord ♪ ♪ In holy songs, in holy songs of joy ♪ ♪ Songs of joy, songs of joy, songs of joy ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord, praise the Lord ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord in holy songs ♪ ♪ In holy songs of joy ♪ Praise the Lord in holy songs of joy ♪ ♪ In holy songs of joy ♪ In holy songs of joy ♪ Holy songs ♪ In holy songs of joy (lively orchestral music) ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah unto God's Almighty Son ♪ ♪ Praise ♪ Praise the Lord in songs of joy ♪ ♪ Praise ♪ Praise the Lord in songs of joy ♪ ♪ Praise ♪ Praise the Lord in holy songs of joy ♪ (lively orchestral music) ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ We proclaim God's grace and glory ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah ♪ Hallelujah unto God's Almighty Son ♪ ♪ Unto God's Almighty Son ♪ Unto God's Almighty Son ♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ ♪ Unto God's Almighty Son ♪ Praise the Lord ♪ Praise the Lord ♪ Praise the Lord ♪ Praise the Lord in holy songs of joy ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord ♪ Praise the Lord ♪ Praise the Lord ♪ In holy songs of joy ♪ Praise the Lord in holy songs, in holy songs ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord in songs of joy ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord, praise the Lord ♪ ♪ In holy songs of joy ♪ In holy songs of joy ♪ Bogoróditse Dévo ♪ Bogoróditse Dévo ♪ ráduysia, Blagodátnaya Maríye Blagodátnaya Maríye Blagodátnaya Maríye Ghospód s Tobóyu Ghospód s Tobóyu Ghospód s Tobóyu Blagoslovénna Ti v zhenáh Blagoslovénna Ti v zhenáh i blagoslovén Plod chréva Tvoyeg i blagoslovén Plod chréva Tvoyeg i blagoslovén Plod chréva Tvoyeg yáko Spása rodilá yáko Spása rodilá yesí dush náshïh. yesí dush náshïh. !¡Llega la Navidad! El Niño Jesús nos trae !¡Llega la Navidad! la tan deseada paz. !¡Llega la Navidad! Cantémos le agradecidos !¡Llega la Navidad! y Èl nos bendecirá. !¡Llega la Navidad! El Niño Jesús nos trae !¡Llega la Navidad! la tan deseada paz. !¡Llega la Navidad! cantémos le agradecidos !¡Llega la Navidad! y Èl nos bendecirá. Venid, vamos, que en Belén ha nacido un Niño para nuestro bien. Alabemos la bondad del Rey de los hombres que nos trae la paz. Nos trae la paz. !¡Llega la Navidad! Los Santos Reyes de Oriente !¡Llega la Navidad! con su buena voluntad, !¡Llega la Navidad! nos darán felices Pascuas !¡Llega la Navidad! y una alegre Navidad. Venid, vamos, que en Belén ha nacido un Niño para nuestro bien. Alabemos la bondad del Rey de los hombres que nos trae la paz. Nos trae la paz. !¡Llega la Navidad! Los Santos Reyes de Oriente !¡Llega la Navidad! con su buena voluntad, !¡Llega la Navidad! nos darán felices Pascuas !¡Llega la Navidad! y una alegre Navidad. !¡Llega la Navidad! (gentle orchestral music) ♪ Holy child, I'm watching over you ♪ ♪ Gently rocking all night through ♪ ♪ Angels came to honor your birth ♪ ♪ Proclaiming glad tidings, peace on Earth ♪ ♪ Sleep, holy child, this blessed night ♪ ♪ I'm in awe of this wondrous sight ♪ ♪ Hush, don't you cry, Mother's nearby ♪ ♪ Sleep, my baby, 'til morning's nigh ♪ (gentle orchestral music) ♪ Sleep, my child, 'til break of day ♪ ♪ Sleep, my babe, upon the hay ♪ God will guide you as you grow ♪ ♪ My sweet holy child, I love you so ♪ (gentle orchestral music) ♪ ♪ Lullaby, boy of mine ♪ Your eyes, how they shine ♪ Your Father has smiled on you ♪ ♪ Feel the hope, see the joy ♪ In my sweet young boy ♪ The promise of God has finally come true ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep, my child ♪ ♪ Luly, lulay ♪ Sleep, sleep, holy child ♪ Luly, lulay ♪ Sleep, holy child, this blessed night ♪ ♪ I'm in awe of this wondrous sight ♪ ♪ Hush, don't you cry, Mother's nearby ♪ ♪ Sleep, my baby 'til morning's nigh ♪ (gentle orchestral music) ♪ Holy child, I'm watching over you ♪ ♪ Gently rocking all night through ♪ ♪ Angels came to honor your birth ♪ ♪ Proclaiming glad tidings, peace on Earth ♪ ♪ Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep ♪ Sleep, my baby, 'til morning's nigh ♪ (gentle orchestral music) (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ In Bethlehem on Christmas morn ♪ ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ The lowly gem of love was born ♪ ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Bright in her crown of fiery star ♪ ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Judea's town shone from afar ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ For bird and beast, he did not come ♪ ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ But for the least of mortal scum ♪ ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Who lies in ditch, who begs his bread ♪ ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Who has no stitch for back or head ♪ ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ Who wakes to weep, lies down to mourn ♪ ♪ Who in his sleep withdraws from scorn ♪ ♪ Ye outraged dust, on field and plain ♪ ♪ To feed the lust of madmen slain ♪ ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. ♪ Hosanna ♪ Christus natus est. (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ The manger still outshines the throne ♪ ♪ Christ must and will come to his own ♪ ♪ Christ must and will come to his own ♪ ♪ Christ must and will come to his own ♪ (piano music) ♪ God rest ye merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay ♪ ♪ Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day ♪ ♪ To save us all from woe and sin when we were gone astray ♪ ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ ♪ Comfort and joy, oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ ♪ In Bethlehem, in Israel, this blessed babe was born ♪ ♪ And laid within a manger upon this blessed morn, ♪ ♪ The which his mother Mary did nothing take in scorn ♪ ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ (piano music) ♪ From God our Heavenly Father ♪ A blessed angel came ♪ And unto certain shepherds ♪ Brought tidings of the same ♪ How that in Bethlehem was born ♪ ♪ the Son of God by name ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ ♪ Comfort and joy ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ (piano music) ♪ Fear not then, said the angel ♪ ♪ Let nothing you affright ♪ This day is born a savior of a pure and virgin bright ♪ ♪ To free all those who trust in Him ♪ ♪ From Satan's power and might ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy ♪ ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy ♪ (piano music) ♪ Now to the Lord sing praises, all you within this place ♪ ♪ And with true love and brotherhood ♪ ♪ each other now embrace ♪ This holy tide of Christmas all others doth deface ♪ ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy ♪ ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort ♪ And joy (upbeat orchestral music) ♪ long time ago, long time ago ♪ long time ago in Bethlehem ♪ So de Holy Bible say ♪ Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day (upbeat orchestral music) ♪ long time ago, long time ago ♪ While shepherds watched their flocks by night ♪ ♪ Dem see a bright new shining star ♪ ♪ And den dem hear a choir sing ♪ ♪ da music seemed to come from afar ♪ ♪ When Joseph and he wife Mary ♪ Came to Bethlehem dat night ♪ dem find no place for to born she child ♪ ♪ Not a single room was in sight ♪ ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day (upbeat orchestral music) ♪ long time ago, long time ago ♪ Den, bye and bye, der find a little nook ♪ ♪ In a stable all forlorn ♪ And in a manger, cold and dark ♪ ♪ Mary little boy was born ♪ Da tree wise men tell old King Herod ♪ ♪ We hear a new king born today ♪ ♪ We bring He frankensense and myrrh ♪ ♪ We come from far away ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day (upbeat orchestral music) ♪ long time ago, long time ago ♪ When old King Herod him lern dis news ♪ ♪ Him mad as him can be ♪ Him tell de wise men, find dis chile ♪ ♪ So dat I may worship He ♪ long time ago in Bethlehem ♪ So de Holy Bible say ♪ Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas day ♪ Born on Chrisamas day ♪ Born on Chrisamas day ♪ Born on Chrisamas ♪ My Mary boy chile, Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ He born on Chrisamas ♪ Day ♪ Gloria ♪ in excelsis Deo. ♪ Gloria ♪ tibi Domine! (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ Gloria ♪ in excelsis Deo. ♪ Gloria ♪ in excelsis Deo. ♪ Laudamus te ♪ Adoramus te. ♪ Laudamus te ♪ Adoramus te. ♪ Propter magnam gloriam tuam. ♪ O wondrous light, o wondrous light ♪ ♪ Shine on this night, shine on this night ♪ ♪ And set our spirits free ♪ Live in our hearts ♪ As we impart ♪ His love for all to see ♪ Gloria ♪ in excelsis Deo. ♪ Gloria ♪ in excelsis Deo. ♪ Laudamus te ♪ Adoramus te. ♪ Laudamus te ♪ Adoramus te. ♪ Rejoice and sing, rejoice and sing ♪ ♪ Hallelujah to the newborn king ♪ ♪ Emmanuel, God is with us ♪ Emmanuel, Christ is born ♪ The angels sing hallelujah (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ Gloria ♪ Gloria ♪ Gloria (gentle orchestral music) ♪ (upbeat orchestral music) (dramatic orchestral music) (bright orchestral music) (gentle orchestral music) (uplifting orchestral music) (uplifting orchestral music) (uplifting orchestral music) ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Yes, hallelujah forevermore ♪ Love has come and never will leave us ♪ ♪ Love is life everlasting and free ♪ ♪ Love is Jesus within and among us ♪ ♪ Love is the peace our hearts are seeking ♪ ♪ Love, love, love is the gift of Christmas ♪ ♪ Love, love, praise to you, God on high ♪ (uplifting percussive music) ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ All out of darkness, we have light ♪ ♪ Which made the angels sing this night ♪ ♪ All out of darkness, we have light ♪ ♪ Which made the angels sing this night ♪ ♪ Glory to God in the highest heaven ♪ ♪ Peace on the Earth, goodwill, amen ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ Toda la tierra ♪ espera al Salvador ♪ Y el surco abierto, ♪ la obra del SeÒor ♪ es el mundo que lucha ♪ por la libertad ♪ reclama justicia ♪ y busca la verdad. ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Jeg er ås glad hver julekveld, ♪ ♪ ti da blev Jesus foødt; ♪ da lyste stjernen som en sol, ♪ ♪ og engler sang så soødt. ♪ Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! ♪ Alles schlaft, einsam wacht ♪ nur das trauter, hochheilige Paar. ♪ ♪ Holder Knabe im lokkigen Haar, ♪ ♪ schlaf in himmlischer Ruh, ♪ schlaf in himmlischer Ruh. ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Why did He come ♪ He came down that we may have love ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ forever more (gentle orchestral music) ♪ Love divine, all loves excelling ♪ ♪ Joy of heaven, to Earth, come down ♪ ♪ Fix in us thy humble dwelling ♪ ♪ All thy faithful mercies crown ♪ ♪ Jesus, thou art all compassion ♪ ♪ Pure, unbounded love thou art ♪ ♪ Visit us with thy salvation ♪ Enter every trembling heart ♪ Breathe (dramatic orchestral music) ♪ Oh, breathe thy loving spirit ♪ ♪ Into every troubled breast ♪ Let us all in thee inherit ♪ Let us find thy promised rest ♪ ♪ Take away the love of sinning ♪ ♪ Alpha and omega be ♪ End of faith, as its beginning ♪ ♪ Set our hearts at liberty ♪ Finish then thy ♪ New creation ♪ Pure and spotless ♪ let us be ♪ Let us see ♪ Thy great salvation ♪ Perfectly restored in thee ♪ Perfectly restored in thee ♪ Changed from glory into glory ♪ ♪ Changed from glory into glory ♪ ♪ Till in heaven we take our place ♪ ♪ Till in heaven we take our place ♪ ♪ Till we cast our crowns before Thee ♪ ♪ Till we cast our crowns before Thee ♪ ♪ Lost in wonder, love and praise ♪ ♪ Lost in wonder, love and praise ♪ ♪ Lost in wonder, love and praise ♪ (gentle orchestral music) ♪ Lord, now lettest thou thy servant ♪ ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Lord, now lettest thou thy servant ♪ ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Lord, now lettest thou thy servant ♪ ♪ According to thy word ♪ For mine eyes have seen thy salvation ♪ ♪ For mine eyes have seen thy salvation ♪ ♪ Which thou hast prepared ♪ before the face of all people ♪ ♪ A light to lighten the gentiles ♪ ♪ A light to lighten the gentiles ♪ ♪ And to be the glory of ♪ Thy people Israel (gentle orchestral music) ♪ Lord, now lettest thou thy servant ♪ ♪ Lord, now lettest thou thy servant ♪ ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Depart in peace ♪ Depart ♪ In ♪ Peace (gentle orchestral music) ♪ Beautiful savior ♪ Beautiful savior ♪ Lord of the nations ♪ Lord of the nations ♪ Son of God ♪ Son of God ♪ And son of man ♪ And son of man ♪ Glory ♪ And honor ♪ Praise, adoration ♪ Praise, adoration ♪ Now and forevermore ♪ Now and forevermore ♪ Be Thine ♪ Now and forevermore ♪ Now and forevermore ♪ Now and forevermore ♪ Be ♪ Thine ♪ Thine (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (audience applauding) (audience cheers) (gentle musical jingle)