- [Mrs. Wheatley] Mr. Colbourne, Miss Heywood is here about the governess position. - I believe independence of spirit is something to be encouraged. - Really, I thought I engaged you to make a young lady of Leonora. - That is precisely what I'm doing. - [Alison] So, who are you dreaming of? Your strange new employer? [Charlotte] Why should I dream of him? - Mr. Colbourne, might I make an observation? - You've already already made the observation, you might as well share it. - The girls hardly know you. - Perhaps in time, you'll come to realize that's for the best. Miss Heywood. - Thank you, sir. - I cannot explain the effect you've had on all of us, it's as if you've restored us back to life. Until tomorrow, then. - Until tomorrow. - Dancing just now, I felt alive in a way I haven't since - - You are allowed to have feelings for another man. - Why him? - [Alison] Why not him? - I have had enough of trying to find meaning in your silences. I must know who you are. - Miss Heywood's plainly in love with you. Can you trust yourself not to fail her as you failed Lucy? - My behavior has been unforgivable. I have taken advantage of my position over you. - You were right in what you said. We let our emotions get the better of us. - Thank you for making your feelings so clear. - And what of Miss Heywood? - She is to be married. - She is not married yet. - Miss Heywood, I fought in vain to deny that I'm in love with you. You bewitched me in the very first moment we met and ever since my affections have not wavered. Indeed they've only grown deeper with every second that I've spent in your company. (majestic music) I cannot imagine how fathomless they will be once we have shared a lifetime together. (music continues) - We cannot choose who we fall in love with. - If you and he are truly meant to be together, you will find a way.