(somber music) - [Franklin D. Roosevelt] So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. (children laughing) - [Woman] You're so funny. - [Girl] I fed the ducks today. - [Man] Can you pass the mustard? (children laughing) (somber music continues) (girl giggles) (girl giggling continues) (baby cries) (door closes) (banging) (crash) - [Man] What's this? (baby crying) - [Man] Are you selling this? - [Man] Selling our stuff? - [Mildred] Go to sleep. - [Man] Selling her stuff? (banging) (baby continues crying) (banging) (somber music) (baby continues crying) - Put your mittens on Marie, it's cold. (traffic humming) (traffic humming) (bell rings) - Not much longer. - I'll see you down there boys. Save a cold one for me. - Give it to me Pa. - I was going to bring it by. - I'll pick it up from now on. I talked to the man to bank. (vehicle horns honking) - I love you Mildred. - Love you too Pa. (dramatic music) (somber music)