- Good morning. (lighthearted cheerful music) - What can I do for you, William? - Nothing, I just thought I'd pop by. It's been a while. - Has it? I didn't realize. So, they're a great crime solving team, but yet they struggle in their, in their personal relationship. - Have I done something to upset you? - What makes you say that? I'd say partly due to the fact that, you know, when it comes to solving crimes, you know there are rules to follow. You know, there are guidelines to follow. Eliza understands that and so does William, but that's a little murky when it comes to relationships. - It's such a hard thing because you, you just want them to be together and you go, why can't they be together? But really they would have to compromise so much, and they would have to ask the other person to compromise so much, which would change them, you know, so much from who they are and who they should be. - Are you doing this to stop me from getting that money? - What? Why on Earth are you being so irrational? (lighthearted cheerful music continues) Oh, has this to do with me and Arabella? - And I'm the one being irrational? Eliza's not so well versed when it comes to romance and love and you know, as we know, even with Ara, we know her relationship with women at school or girls at school, she's not so good with people, heh heh. So, I think they still got a little bit of growing up to do before they'll be able to come together. Could anyone be more infuriating? - This is Inspector Wellington you're talking about. - I need your help, Moses, not disparaging comments. - I think it's hard for them to find success in the relationship. (lighthearted cheerful music continues) Hey actually, I don't think it would be hard for them to find that success in a relationship. I think they'd be amazing together. - I think we need to see some more vulnerable moments between the two of them. It's been in those vulnerable moments that we've seen up until now where they've really learnt some stuff about themselves, and they've so nearly come, they've come so close to, you know saying what they really wanna say. - Whatever else I was unsure of in my life, the one thing that I knew was that we were meant to be together. Just once, just a kiss. That's all I want. That's all we want, a kiss. I hope that they take that step. - I never knew you were so romantic. (lighthearted cheerful music continues) - Apparently so. - Will they ever get together? I hope they do, I'm just a big old romantic. Yeah one day they'll definitely find each other for sure. (lighthearted cheerful music ends)