(dramatic music) - When you're going through history, you almost never know you're going through a historical period, until you're finished with it, and you say, "Whoa". This is my seventh administration. 37 years. I've never been anywhere near a transition like this. I'm gonna be doing twice the amount of work now, but because the Biden administration is calling me to do everything. I mean, they don't approve anything unless I say yes. I haven't had a single day off in literally over 14 months. Professor Koppel. - Your eminence. How many interviews have you done over the past year? - Hundreds. - Yeah. - Hundreds. You get out there in front of millions of people on TV and you say something, there are 25,000 people are looking for you to make one little slip. It isn't only COVID-19, it's malaria, two Ebola outbreaks, Zika, tuberculosis, influenza, AIDS. (shouting) My job is science, medicine, and public health. I'm a scientist and a physician. (dramatic music) I am honored to announce that the United States will remain a member of the World Health Organization. This is dark. - Yeah. (dramatic music) - This next chapter, it's scary, and jumping out is gonna be hard. But once the parachute opens and you land, and you figure out what's next. It could be really great. - Let's hope the parachute opens. (laughing)